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Terms and Conditions- The legal bit

  1. BOOKING- The booking of Plane Sailing cannot be considered until we have confirmed that we have received a deposit of 20% of the total rental. For a booking to be confirmed, you must have also presented a form of indication as instructed on the booking form. This form of ID must be shown for verification on arrival at the boat. This is for identification purposes only and won’t be retained. The deposit received will be held until the safe return of the boat. £10 fuel allowance per day included.   Any damage to the boat may be subtracted from the deposit accordingly.

  2. BALANCE OF HIRE FEE/CANCELLATION/CHANGES- The hirer is solely responsible for the hire fee and the balance must be paid in full 21 days before the start of their hire. The balance must be paid in full. Should the hirer decide to cancel the holiday, the hirer will be liable to the full cost of the holiday unless, at the companies discretion, waive the balance fee if the company successfully re-lets the boat for the whole period. The company reserve the right to keep the full deposit. The hirer must give reasonable time for a change of dates of the holiday, failure to do so; the company reserves the right to refuse the change of dates. A change of date may incur additional costs.

  3. INSURANCE- Cheshire Canal Boat Hire carries full hire insurance with public liability insurance, however, this does not cover personal accidents or loss or damage to personal effects. Hirers and crew are strongly advised to take out their own personal insurance cover. The hirer will indemnify the company against all costs, damage, expenses, liability and claims arising from negligence or neglect.

  4. GROUP BOOKINGS, AGE LIMITS AND UNSUITABLE HIRERS- The hirer must be aged 21 years or older (unless permission is  granted). Whenever the boat is driven by someone under the age of 21, they must be under close supervision of a competent person at or over the age of 21.  The hirer warrants that two able people aged 21 years or older will be aboard the boat and will take responsibility of the boat and crews at all times. The hirer must provide on the booking form all details of all people in their party. On arrival at the boat, the boat acceptance and navigation certificate must be signed and then the hirer will become responsible for the boat. The company may cancel any booking and refuse to handover the boat to anyone under the influence of alcohol or drugs. In this case the hirer will not be liable to reclaim any costs for the hire of the boat. Parties will be considered on a case by case basis, an additional security deposit may be required.

  5. HIRER’S PROPERTY- We regret that we cannot accept any liability for loss or damage to hirers or passengers, property baggage, motor cars, etc however caused. Cheshire Canal Boat hire does however carry Public Liability Insurance.

  6. BREAKDOWN/REPAIRS- In the unlikely event of any breakdown whilst on board, the hirer must notify the company and provide full details and shall comply with company instructions. The hirer must not allow any repairs or services without permission from the company; the hirer will have no claim on the company as a result of breakdown or failures of the boat. If the company deem the level of breakdown/equipment failure to not be life or holiday enjoyment threatening then we reserve the right assist as soon as practical.  

  7. RETURN OF BOAT- The boat must be returned to Aqueduct Marina at the agreed time. If there is any reason you fail to do this a charge could be made dependant on circumstances. All attempts must be made to contact us in the event of a possibly late return.

  8. ACCIDENT- The hirer is in total charge of the boat and is solely responsible for its safe navigation and return during the hire period. In the unlikely event of an accident, the hirer must give full details of all other persons involved as well as relevant boat names and registrations. The hirer must inform the company immediately. Under no circumstances is the hirer and their party is to admit liability to the person. In the event that the company’s insurance cover is prejudiced or invalidated by failure on the part of the hirer, the hirer shall indemnify the company in respect of liability, claims, loss, damages and expenses incurred. The hirer shall be responsible for getting the boat off mud banks and other grounding in reserve only. The company will be responsible for removing any debris from the propeller when able to do so. The hirer must not touch the weed hatch unless agreed before the hire. The Hirer is responsible for and shall indemnify the company against any claim or charge made by any Navigation Authority for damage to waterway property or loss of water.

  9. NAVIGATION AND BYLAWS- The hirer may only navigate inland waterways and must observe all bylaws and regulations, including temporary restrictions, governing the use of the particular canal being navigated. Copies of the relevant regulations may be obtained on application to British Waterways. No craft may navigate the waterway after sunset or before sunrise. The boat cannot be used on any rivers or ship canals. Please be aware that if this is not adhered to the insurance in place will not be valid and any resulting damages or claim will be charged to the hirer.

  10. CLEANLINESS OF BOAT- The company reserve the right to hold the hirer’s deposit if the boat is not returned in the condition presented to the hirer. Any financial damage will be the responsibility of the hirer. If damage exceeds deposit amount, Cheshire Canal Boat Hire is to be identified the full cost.   As a courtesy to future passengers, the boat is a non smoking boat. All party members are to smoke in outside areas.

  11. PETS- The company allows up to 2  pets on board the boat at any one time free of charge, You must tell us at the time of booking. You must bring blankets and beds with you. Under no circumstances are the animals allowed to lie on bedding or chairs. Any damage will be the responsibility of the hirer. The hirer must clean up after the animals,  Failure to do so, the hirer will violate the terms set out in terms and conditions: 11.  Pets must not be left unattended on the boat. Pets are not covered under the company insurance policy. The hirer will be responsible for the pets actions at all times during the hire period. 

  12. FUEL- The boat will be filled full before the hire commences and  £10.00 per day is included in the hire. The hirer will be liable to cover any other fuel cost needed.

  13.  CAR PARKING AND HIRER’S PERSONAL PROPERTY - The company will accept no liable to damage to the hirer’s or parties car(s) during the hire period. The company will accept no liable to any damage to the hirer’s personal property on or off the boat. The company advises the hirer to take out personal holiday insurance.

  14. BOAT ACCEPTANCE CERTIFICATE & NAVIGATION CERTIFICATE- The hirer will agree that they have received a comprehensive handover of the boat. The hirer will accept that they and their party are able to operate the boat safely.  From acceptance of the certificate the hirer will be in control of the boat for the hire period. Minor defects/damage (hull scraping on banks etc) are completely normal, however significant damage which requires financial rectification, the hirer will indemnify the company. Once the navigation certificate has been signed, the hirer has accepted that they have read the boaters handbook and that they are aware of the rules and regulations set out by the CRT. This includes how to operate locks safely.


Privacy Policy

We hold and store information about you including names, addresses, email addresses, telephone numbers, age and banking details. These are held securely in Cheshire Canal Boat Hire accounts system and on the third party "Bookalet" booking system. Although "Bookalet" is a secure website, we take no responsibility for data breaches and distribution of your data from "Bookalet". You data is  secure and stored electronically and in paper format in a secure environment. This data is only used by Cheshire Canal Boat Hire Ltd to contact you for business purposes and for accounting purposes as required by law. We do not use, share or sell your data for marketing purposes in any format. We do not share your data with anybody else other than as required by law for accounting and record keeping for the business of Cheshire Canal Boat Hire Ltd.


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Cheshire Canal Boat Hire is located at the award winning Aqueduct Marina near Nantwich

Perfect location for a holiday on the Cheshire plains or the Llangollen Canal.


Cheshire Canal Boat Hire is a family business, offering our family boats for hire

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01829 270462



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